In the middle of “Once” district in Buenos Aires, there is a window filled with plants covering its entire surface. Inside lives and works Mt. Torres, Peruvian immigrant and fabric cutter.

After taking an interview to Mt Torres, I’ve designed a flyer telling his story. I distributed 1000 edition of the flyer trough his neighborhood and he became quite famous within the surroundings.

. Mt. Torres

. 1000 edition flyers, performance.

. 2005

"I collect the plants from around here but I bring the soil from Perú, it’s because of the soil that you can feel that smell, the humidity.

I couldn't stay here in Buenos Aires without this smell…. No, it’s not the same humidity as the one you have here, no, no, it’s something else…

It reminds me to my brother, to the walk we used to do when we were children to go to school.

First of all I put the plant on water and then I wait till they grow roots and I plant them on the soil that I bring from home.

Then they grow like animals everywhere. Some of them are smart and they know where to move on. It’s almost like being in Perú, but here in Buenos Aires."


"I collect the plants from around here but I bring the soil from Perú, it’s because of the soil that you can feel that smell, the humidity.

I couldn't stay here in Buenos Aires without this smell…. No, it’s not the same humidity as the one you have here, no, no, it’s something else…

It reminds me to my brother, to the walk we used to do when we were children to go to school.

First of all I put the plant on water and then I wait till they grow roots and I plant them on the soil that I bring from home.

Then they grow like animals everywhere. Some of them are smart and they know where to move on. It’s almost like being in Perú, but here in Buenos Aires."



In 2007 I was invited to the city of Rosario to do an intervention in an exhibition space. As a tribute to Mt. Torres, I spent a whole day collecting plants during a walk through the city and later exhibited those plants with the addresses from where they were taken, so people could make a mental map of the route I took to collect the plants. On the jars there are also information about the type of collecting for each plant: Found/ Stealing/Loan/Gift .

After the show was finished I took the plants back to Buenos Aires and planted them on a public park where they’re now growing healthy and strong.

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